About Big Frog
Mountain® Corporation
With wise energy usage,
conservation and the appropriate technology you now have the ability to achieve a
sustainable energy independence for whatever your needs. Big Frog Mountain® Corporation - a Tennessee solar company - has been supplying alternative and renewable energy equipment world-wide since 1997 and supported many remote and utility grid interactive solar electric power systems since 1989.
"Each day more solar energy falls to the Earth than the total amount of energy the planet's 5.9 billion inhabitants would consume in 27 years. While it's neither possible nor necessary to use but a small portion of this energy, we've hardly begun to tap the potential of solar energy." U.S. Department of Energy-NREL
We will continue to support and partner with the US DOE
Energy Star Program Initiatives.
The future has never looked brighter!
Our interests include supplying contractors, OEM, government and private interest with equipment and support. We look forward to seeing your renewable energy equipment installed and see you begin to utilize and produce reliable renewable electrical energy to meet either a portion or all the power needs of a business, industry or private
residence. We strive to provide a broad choice of the highest quality products to lower your energy needs at
lower cost. We can provide the high quality products for custom systems that will meet both your
energy needs and your budget requirements. As major manufacturer's distributors we can work with your contractor to provide quality components for your installation.
Our alternative energy equipment typically supplies renewable electrical power using photovoltaic PV solar panels. These systems prove to be beneficial to people around the world everyday. Many of our customers had not previously thought it possible
to reliably produce electricity without a constant supply of fossil fuels. These customers enjoy the benefits of electricity without the high monetary and environmental costs of burning fossil fuels.
These systems are designed to produce renewable, clean, green power for decades. We are currently working with government and contractors toward the further marketing of Zero Energy Homes.
When you need to purchase solar equipment or Energy Star labeled energy efficient appliances be sure to check with us for a quote. We are suppliers of renewable energy equipment that can
provide electrical power for your residence, business or industry. We have utility intertied systems as well as systems and components for remote home power,
weekend cabin power, recreational vehicle power, boat, water pumping system, portable refrigeration, marine environment
system, remote communications, lighting, or countless other applications. Supplying many megawatts of solar equipment over the last 20+ years our customer's systems range from very small systems to power electrical devices to large systems consisting of many kilo-watts of generation capacity. Some of our largest privately owned installations are
50 KW utility grid intertied solar electric systems in Georgia and many large solar systems in Haiti and around the globe.
Big Frog Mountain® is proud to be a certified ENERGY
STAR® partner.
The company founder's private home in Tennessee has been powered completely from electricity generated by photovoltaics since 1989.
We look for the most cost efficient ways on how to accomplish your specific requirements using renewable energy.
We look forward to supplying you equipment to begin to tap into the free, clean and limitless power of the sun, wind and water. We are
here to that end. As part of our effort, we will continue to help keep your alternative energy system cost down. Be sure and ask us for our quote.
If you are needing uninterruptible power, brown-out, black-out or surge protection for your home, business or machine, we can help in these areas.
No matter where on earth you are or want
to be, we can supply reliable renewable energy equipment for whatever your
